Steve Jobs Death Anniversary | ذكرى وفاة ستيف جوبز

في يوم ٥/١٠/٢٠١١ توفي شخص الهم العالم كله بما فعل بعد ما رجع طفله (شركة ابل) اليه بعد ما رباه و تخلى عنه الطفل و هذه كلمات تلهمنا لنصبح احسن مما كان عليه فهو لم يملك شي غير عقله ، انه ستيف جوبز يا سادة.

5th of October 2011 is the day one of our greatest inspirations died and he’s called Steve Jobs he inspired the whole world after what he have done to his baby (Apple) after he raised the baby and then the baby left him , and these are words which inspires us to be better , and to inspire us to surpass him because we have things he didn’t have , he only had his Brain.

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